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The Four Most Common Business Continuity Missteps and How to Avoid Them
The importance business continuity can not be overstated, yet many businesses fall short in their planning efforts. That’s why we’ve compiled four of the most common business continuity pitfalls and how to avoid them.
Not having a good grasp on the business: A business plan is incredibly important. If it is quickly disregarded or set aside and your objectives are forgotten, you are setting yourself up for failure. To avoid this, stay focused and regularly review your business plan to insure that you’re still on the right track.
Improper management: When a management team decides to deviate from their training, a business will encounter issues down the line. To avoid managerial problems, be sure to explain how important it is that your staff all do things the way you want them done so that customers won’t have issues with inconsistent service or products.
Impossible recovery goals: When unexpected issues arise, a business owner must be flexible and realistic. If you expect to bounce back faster than you can, morale will decline and employees will become less productive. In order to prevent productivity loss, when issues arise, focus on keeping morale positive and keeping deadlines and expectations in check. You can’t expect more from people than they can deliver.
Creating an atmosphere that doesn’t foster business continuity: It’s one thing to have a plan in place for business continuity and it’s another thing for everyone involved to carry out their part of the plan correctly. If employees aren’t aware of their responsibilities, how can the business run smoothly? Be sure that your entire staff understands what their responsibilities are in case of a disaster and answer any questions they may have.
If you’d like to speak with us about Business Continuity, or anything else, please contact us. We are looking forward to answering any questions that you may have.